Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17 - Juan's Dog

“Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us. And make our lives a little brighter. And they don't waste time being afraid of tomorrow.”

~ Dan Gemeinhart The Honest Truth

This dog design is one from the Juan Gonzales collection. It has a cartoon dog feel to it, with the gigantic eyes, goofy tongue and standing pose.

You can tell Juan spends a good amount of time working with each of the designs before publishing them. Many balloon animals with ears are just attached in some way to the very top of the head, which is typically not where you ears are.  This one has an interesting way to solve that - I like the effect, and it's much easier to shape downward facing ears.

I tried building a few versions, one was a gift for someone who is helping us train our dog, Bowie. So I used this design to try and make him.  I need to figure out a better way to draw on dark balloons - or invest in some more colors of paint markers than white...

Bowie has been a fantastic addition to our family. He is full of love, he's a fool for love, and his fuel is love. Adopting an older dog has been a wonderful experience. It as a ton of work caring for a 90 pound beast like this, sometimes I feel like I'm palming a basketball when I pick up his droppings on a walk - but he's such a joy, I have no complaints. He LOVE's the water, you can't walk by a stream without him tugging towards it for him to rest his belly. We now choose our walking paths carefully - straight into the water first, so he has a chance to get some of it dry before I have to help lift him into the back of our vehicle.

Balloon Bowie

Hot Diggity Dog!

Keeping cool in the dog days of summer...

This is him!  This is the guy who ate my homework!

Other posts with Juan's designs:

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  1. So glad that you and Bowie found each other. Labs do love water so you've done well figuring out a technique to avoid a wet car interior.
