Thursday, August 4, 2016

August 4 - Bear Force One

Fear leads to anger,
Anger leads to hate,
Hate leads to suffering.

~ Yoda

Holly George had one of the toughest schedules of Bling Bling Jam.  She flew in for a class and was scheduled to fly back later that afternoon.  Unfortunately her first flight was delayed so she arrived after lunch - but had to leave at 3pm to catch her return flight.  Her return flight was delayed so long that I ended up making it home before her, and my flight was a midnight.

Holly is a YouTube sensation. I have learned so much from her in my time twisting that I was more than happy to support her latest project - Bear Force One.   This DVD uses Big Bear Head balloons to realize simple Star Wars characters.

These characters work great with the simplicity of Big Bear Head balloons.  Honestly, I've never really been a big fan of basic BBH characters, they tend to keep an odd bulbous leg shape - but intentionally using it as style for characters is something I can get in to and Holly does a great job enhancing the form with other balloons and artwork.  She teaches four on the DVD, and each spark ideas in what else you might build using the a similar technique ... I tried Kylo and Maul.

You must be a target.   I miss you ... 

Fozzie - the original E-wakka wakka

Check out my double blade light saber!

... sithster, please...

Who's scruffy looking?

Other posts with Holly's designs:

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  1. Guess I'm going to have to rethink BBHs. Thanks for the nudge and the smile!!
