Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8 - Pip's Rabbit

"The man who chases two rabbits, catches neither."

 ~ Confuscius

Pip Milford-Hughes (Pippity-Pop!) taught two classes at Bling Bling Jam -  first she showed her flower vase and talked about delivery pieces, her second involved line twisting and maintaining your work area without kid invasion, but also included a few quicker designs to use in those situations.

This rabbit is one of those.  After a full week of rabbit puns and nonsense around Easter, I was a bit hesitant to do another, but it was definitely my favorite.

Pip radiates fun, and her class was hilarious.  The word for the day was "wee", it took a moment to realize she meant small, but then we were off to the races.  Make a wee bubble, a wee pinch twist, another wee bubble and attach to the first wee bubble, etc.

I have to include this little bit since it cracked my 12 year old up.  One of Pip's methods for line closing is to stamp the letter P on those waiting - and in her words, "Those that have been P'd on get a balloon."

We had met online earlier, and I wanted to introduce myself in person - but I sort of hid from Pip for the first few days of the jam (smile and melt into the wall method) because I had a birthday package to deliver to her and through a series of unfortunate mail events, it didn't arrive until Wednesday.

Someone shouted out in the lesson that that it would make a good Snowball, so I tried.  The mouth should probably be bigger - but pretty good without reference.  I also tried making a big smooshy one by up-sizing - it's a bit hard to tell without any context, so my favorites are the quick and simple versions.

Thanks Pip!

Yeah? Let's see how lucky it is
#@#$@*# in your $*&^*@ #$#*!
(held in your right hand)
Big Smooshy

Pippity-Pop's Hippity Hop

Other posts with Pip's designs:

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  1. Love 'em all, thanks for the smiles!!!

  2. Awww thank you so much Purple Pig.
    I'm so pleased that you had a giggle while twisting - cos that's what its all about

    “Twisting is an art form that also entertains – and your guests get to take a little of the magic home with them.” - Pippity-Pop!
