Monday, March 19, 2018

March 19 - The Thing

We're gonna draw a little bit of everyone's blood, 'cause we're gonna find out who's the Thing. Watching Norris in there gave me the idea that every little part of him was a whole. Every little piece was an individual animal with a built-in desire to protect its own life. You see, when a man bleeds, it's just tissue. But blood from one of you Things won't obey when it's attacked. It'll try and survive. Crawl away from a hot needle, say.

~ MacReady The Thing (1982)

I had the pleasure this weekend of hanging out with some of my best friends and watching the original The Thing.  It's been 20+ years since I've seen this movie, and it still holds up.

The movie tanked pretty hard at the box office, competing with a few other science fiction and fantasy films at the time - people were enjoying the fun fantasy of E.T. and weren't thrilled by the nihilistic tone and hopelessness here.

Also, Wilford Brimley without a mustache? (!!!!)  Seriously weird stuff. 

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