Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 6 - The Unconscience

“Grandson, there are two wolves inside of you. One wolf is good and altruistic, generous and kind, and the other wolf is mean and greedy, violent and angry. The two wolves are in a constant fight within you.”
“But which one will win, grandpa?”
“The one which you feed.”

~ Cherokee Story of Two Wolves

Most of my inspiration of late has been coming from outside the balloon world, and today's sculpture is based on one of Alex Pardee's disturbing and amazing drawings.

Almost everyone is aware that they have a conscience, but few are aware of the Unconscience.  The Unconscience is the antithesis of your conscience, it is the voice whispering in your other ear;  indifferent, unethical, amoral, spiteful.

It's the voice that lumps everyone into a group and defines them based on fear and misunderstanding, so if you've ever referred to liberals as "libtards" or conservatives as "racist xenophobes" - if you post pro-gun propaganda in the wake of a school shooting, if you claim news and science are fake for disagreeing with your world view, these are all signs you are listening to your Unconscience.

So which one will you feed?

Other balloon designs inspired by Alex Pardee:

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