Monday, March 5, 2018

March 5 - Horb Trollputee

Sandra’s seen a leprechaun,
Eddie touched a troll,
Laurie danced with witches once,
Charlie found some goblins gold.
Donald heard a mermaid sing,
Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known
I've had to make myself.

~ Shel Silverstein Magic

It's only through the sacrifices of the brave watchmen at Eastgate that the Kingdoms of the Summerlands are kept safe.  The fearsome troll armies regenerative powers are the stuff of legend, but for over a week the watch repelled the invaders, seeing their own forces dwindle as the troll armies continued to swell.  It was on the 10th day that the great wizard Kerelo .... well that's a story for another time.

A troll can easily regrow a limb that was chopped off in battle, and in some rare instances - the limb can regrow the troll that was chopped off in battle. 

This is a Trollputee Horb*, the severed leg of a troll that has begun to reform itself.

* Horbs are horrible balloons for terrible children, inspired by Buster Balloons Dorbs balloon concept, adorable balloons for wonderful children.

Other Horb/Dorb balloon designs:

Show All Buster

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