Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18 - Fancy Eggs

- Are they in the proper approach?
- Negative.
- Open fire!
- on Ajax?
- All weapons, now! Charge the lightning field! I take responsibility ..  in the Emperor's name.

~ Flash Gordon - that one epic scene

Recently Chun-Lin, Sung @fusen_zero taught at the Q Corner Convention a very cool weave he named Maelstrom, which was my "hey man, that's my band name".  So in that honor, I will introduce him like we are both at a record shop, and my jam just started playing and we caught eyes while I was rocking out.  I do like a "S'up?" face (fantasy me is bad-ass - go with it) "hey man, you should totally check out his earlier stuff."

Mr. Sung has a few video tutorial series on Hahow (link) where he teaches different styles of weaving and balloon art.  This egg was one of the practice pieces.  If you saw his Maelstrom - you know he is an excellent teacher who meticulously demonstrates along the way, I can also add that he enunciates clearly, it was easy for my browser to auto-translate accurately.

I want the world.
I want the whole world.
I want to lock it all up in my pocket.
It's my box of chocolate! 
The weave itself is not overly complicated, but getting the gradual slope of the egg shape took some effort.  Definitely helpful to be given the sizing.

I first built the rainbow egg, and you might see that become somewhat of a theme with any sort of weaving.  ... bonus, it's beautiful.

I kind of thought to golden egg would be more exciting than it ended up, it's just ... gold.  Not such a funny picture unless you imagine Veruca Salt holding it, or it being the gift for Ming the Merciless that Flash Gordon grabs because "football". 

I originally thought to decorate the fabergé egg a little more but decided to keep it simple.

Chun-Lin Sung:  Facebook / Instagram

Other balloon designs or inspiration from Mr. Sung:

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