Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10 - Sweet Lemur

We're hiding. Be quiet, everyone. Including me. Shh! Who's making that noise? Oh it's me again.

~ King Julien Madagascar

I know I've done a ton of these sweet cheeks, but this lemur is so ... just look at that face!  I again got to see the man, the myth, the Weinstein coming up with the concept and building this at Bling Bling Jam and knew I would have to build it. It uses a(nother) completely new and interesting way to construct the "monkey face".

Eric shows the simple tail in the video, but used Antonio Bécares Rodríguez pinch line technique to make a fancy tail - I used a technique in my second build that I've been told is similar but slightly different.  If Antonio's DVD wasn't sold out at LaRocks ...

I used another 11" heart to make a jumbo Lemur - it was a similar struggle as the panda to get the right size cheeks. Once I had it essentially built, I noticed the cheek lost some mass. A lot of things are easily recovered in balloon twisting, but deflation on your main core structure is not one of those.

The jokes are getting lemur and lemur.

I like to move it, move it!  You like to .. ?

You might say they are lemurs,
But they're not the only ones.

Other posts with Eric's designs:

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