Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21 - Milkshake the Kitty

“A kitten is the delight of a household. All day long a comedy is played out by an incomparable actor.”

~ Champfleury The Cat Past and Present

Buster Balloon is so freaking good at what he does.

He calls his kitty "Milkshake" after the pink cat on The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, but I'm going to call mine Sidewall due to the sheer number of them to make this complicated face. I must have watched his kitty video three times, intimidated about even beginning it. But Buster explains and demonstrates deftly how it's done, so I put on my big boy britches and tried what this big boy teaches.

The key to Buster's designs is definitely "the squish". Everything he does is so nice and squishy that you can do seemingly impossible things with them, even after making multiple sidewall bubbles in these hearts, I still have enough play to be able to manipulate things. The face is made up of so many crucial twists that if any one of them failed, you would probably have to rebuild it in it's entirety, but I can say that after following his demonstration closely, it all built without problem. The only deflation I had was a slow leak in a leg that I caused by manhandling and stretching to get it the same size to have it stand up straight, and I blame myself for trying to make two obviously different sized hearts work.

If you want to practice and get confidence at sidewall bubbles - this is your design. I wouldn't build this in front of anyone because I still make a "I hope this doesn't pop!" face when connecting sidewall bubbles, but I built the black kitty with ease, despite black balloons being very "sticky"(?) - they are difficult to manipulate side by side and really create a lot of friction.

Tosh (our furry real black cat) hates balloons, he freaked out as I tried to get him to pose with his balloon doppelganger.   Then once he realized I was after him, pretty much every picture was a blur of him attempting to get away.  Trying to get him to do what I want is like herding 2-year-old children.

My kitty brings all the boys to the yard

Tap water? You've gotta be kitten me ...
He's purr-ty - I'm purr-ple

Other posts with Busters's designs: Show all

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