Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7 - Sweet Monkeys

“We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.”
― Robert Wilensky

Eric Weinstein's sweet cheek monkeys use a body style very similar to the mouse.  I know I complain about attaching the feet to these designs, but this one seems to work out pretty well.  Having the tail I think helps to stabilize things, and keeping them small keeps them cute.

It is currently the Chinese Year of the Monkey, starting February 8, 2016 (Chinese New Year) and lasting until January 27, 2017.  I'm not much of one to believe in astrology, but it's said that if your symbol is a Monkey, you are smart and clever most specifically in your career and in dealings with acquiring wealth.  However, you might be quick to temper and arrogant.  Here is a website where you can check what animal you are in the Chinese calendar: link.

Orange monkey - that funky monkey,
Orange monkey junkie, that funky monkey!

Cannot unsee the face on the nose ...
They're looking for their barrel ...

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