Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22 - Sweet Bunny

“Human beings say, "It never rains but it pours." This is not very apt, for it frequently does rain without pouring. The rabbits' proverb is better expressed. They say, "One cloud feels lonely": and indeed it is true that the sky will soon be overcast.”

~ Richard Adams Watership Down

This is it! The final Sweet Cheek design showcased in Eric Weinstein's Sweet Cheeks Volume 1.

A couple of the balloons from this video I made prior to it's release based on pictures I had seen and a webinar I had attended so they're close but not exact.  I had resisted building this last one because I have built so many rabbits in the days leading up to Easter and I've exhausted just about every Dad joke and pun I can think of...   But lets do this - it feels good to complete the video series!

Sweet Cheeks are your ticket to build pretty much any animal you can think of in cute cartoon fashion. They are quick to build and scrumptious to the people who receive them. I ended up taking these bunnies into the car dealership when taking my vehicle for service and made a grown man squeal with delight.

That is one of the beautiful things about twisting balloons, they don't last. It forces a situation where I need to find someone to give it to, and random acts of ballooning has been one of my favorite things, it really brightens someone's day.  The downside is that if I don't find someone, I have to destroy it myself after it wilts with all of the random bits and practice balloons, so I'm getting better.

Sweet Cheeks Volume 1 is:
Worm in an Apple
White Chick
Rabbit (you are here!)
Yellow Chick
Red Angry Bird

Ears looking at you!

Carrot-y chops -- yum!

Don't scurry, be hoppy!

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