Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25 - Flying Pig

When Pigs Fly is a store that is right up the road from us. It specializes in local artist wares, and as you can guess by the name - many of them are fantastically porcine.

To fit with the theme of my wife's birthday scavenger hunt, her gift was a "dragon feeder". (Though I'm told it works well with hummingbirds as well.)  It's a really neat ornate bit of copper leaves that holds the glass bottle, but we recently tried to filling it and noticed there was a small hole in the glass which caused the liquid to leak out. Not a break or a chip, just a slight imperfection in the side. These things happen in non-commercial artisan made things, had I bought it at a local fair I might have tried fixing it with some epoxy, but the store is so close and on the way to the park we take our dog, so we came in to exchange it.

The sweetest lady runs the store, she was arm deep in an art project of her own but was profusely apologetic and immediately offered others in exchange, I built her this flying pig as thanks.

Support local artists!

Can we go?  Can we go?

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