Saturday, June 18, 2016

June 18 - Bubbly Bear

Do you have a moment please,
To give this bear just one small squeeze?
Because teddy bears need hugs to live,
So don’t you have just one to give?
~ Author Unknown

Jack "the Magic and Balloon Guy" Mattson  shared this design with us in Balloon Magic Magazine issue #75.

Jack Mattson is a balloon twister based in California who has contributed numerous times to Balloon Magic magazine.  This is the first of his designs I've built and I confess I only really know what I've read in this magazine, that he's an award winning twister.  They say that this is Jack's "signature style" - so I'll look forward to other designs of his on this journey, because this teddy bear, with it's overstuffed head and smooshy face is squishably awesome.

I tried making a panda using the same technique, using really soft bubbles wrapped around the muzzle gave a pretty good eye shape.  I'm pretty pleased with the results!

My bear feet are bare feet.

My bare feet are bear feet.

He just got back from the woods.  I wouldn't go out there for about 30 minutes.

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