Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Willow 2000-2016

5 years old

I don't know how I can even type, my fingers feel like lead.  But feel like I need to get this out to move forward or my next couple entries will be terribly depressing, I have an aching sadness inside.

My dog passed away today.  16 years old, it wasn't sudden but it's nothing you can ever be ready for.  She was my first baby, let me know it was okay to become a parent and guarded our two boys through their adolescence.

A piece of my soul is missing, my heart has been squished. My brain knows everything is as it should be, but since when have I ever followed my brain?

I'll miss my sweet girl ...

Her breath would melt face
But her love would melt mountains
Willow Bean Deming

Good dog, Batdog

16 years old, my lovely

She only bit me when I asked for it ...


  1. She has always been one of my favorite fur faces. I refer to each of our cats as a pussy willow and whenever I say willow I always think of willow bean so she is remembered fondly on a daily basis. My heart aches for you and I feel your sorrow. I will miss her so but am comforted by the thought of her being with Maggie digging holes in animal heaven.
