Saturday, August 20, 2016

August 20 - Soup Kitchen Chef

If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one.

~ Mother Teresa

The past two years I have offered balloons as an auction item at our school's fundraising gala event.  This year the winner chose something special.  For his birthday, Matt Gross asked people to perform some sort of service action in lieu of any gift.

... and so Colleen, his spouse, helped organize a community birthday party and contacted me to provide some balloon decorations for the celebration.  It was held at the Shepherd's Table Soup Kitchen (link), where they donated food, water and over 300 cupcakes to help feed and celebrate with those in need.

Being part of something like this not only helps those in need, but it's also fuel for your soul.  There were about 30 people putting the final touches on that days meal.  Even though I wasn't part of the actual food distribution, it was like being part of a choir, by coming together our individual parts were able to make something bigger and magical.

One!  Birthdaaaay!  Caaake!  (link)
I built a chef and some smaller decorations to spread in the room.  Purple came along for the ride, but I got caught up in the preparation and scrambled away right as they were having an "about to open the doors" meeting.

Since I didn't take any pictures with him, I was inspired to build a balloon Colleen - who to me is a princess with a big beautiful heart.

Well in Who-ville they say,
Colleen's heart grew 30 sizes that day!

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