Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 3 - Embraceables

“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty.”
― Albert Einstein

Have you ever said goodbye, and then had that awkward walk to the parking lot with that person?  I had just taken Tony Twist's class and was chatting with him briefly as we entered the elevator.  To my surprise, he got off on the same floor - and I'm not quite sure what he thought as I followed him through the hallway to my room which was situated right next to his.   #accidentalstalker

I have had his Real World Wow #2 - Embraceables DVD for a few months but I shamefully never took the time to build anything from it.  Tony uses a great idea for easy re-fastening arms for his gigantic base structure, but to use it involves making the arms extra long so they can hug around the recipient (hence the title).

He mentions in the DVD different arm styles, but it took meeting him at a convention and taking his class for me to embrace the idea (see what I did there?) and see what an awesomely huge structure you can build with relative ease.

This is another modular design from which you could build an amazing variety of creatures.  Proving his point, Tony's taught a tiger before pulling out a myriad of other constructions using his technique.

"Did you want to put on a shirt?"  "nahhh"

I don't do "embraces"!
Embraceables? They're grrrrrrrreeeaaat!

Other posts with Tony's designs:

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  1. YES... they are great! Thanks for the smile!!!

  2. I Love the Embraceables - often have one travelling with me in the front seat of my car. Quick to put together but make an impact. Have even scored jobs jrom this! Thanks Tony!!

    1. /agree 100% -- people stop and stare when they are this big, it's not much more twisting than something similar small.
