“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
NicaBreeze has been a DeviantArtist for a while now and had some examples of work that just radiate "passionate artist". It's the kind of art that you can't take in with a glance, emotional and hypnotic, something to linger on for a while and get lost in thought.
Its perhaps a bit .. self-indulgent(?) asking people to use such goofy source material. I felt shy even asking if she was willing to consider this even though I'm answering an offer she made, but so happy that she was willing to help, she created a masterpiece.
"Freya's Oracle" is like a Hunter S. Thompson dream sequence after an encounter with a sorceress. Finally I'm not at a loss of words, because this is not the type of art you should try to explain to someone, it's an individual journey, it's an experience. Take a moment to get lost in it. write your own story...
But because I wanted to learn more about Freya, let me share:
Freya is one of the primary Nordic gods (death, love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold - so some of the biggies), she is sent half of the warriors that die in battle to reside in Fólkvangr, with Odin receiving the other half in Valhalla. There doesn't seem to be a reference as to honor/worthiness was the deciding factor from what I'm reading , perhaps there was a Thanos-type sorting there at the end.
Anyways, with this admittedly terrible interpretation of internet discovered facts, I'm imagining Freya's Oracle to be the head priestess of a sect devoted to maintaining that balance. Odin tries to disrupt by attempting to claim the fiercest warriors fallen in battle before they have been sorted. (It's why he relies heavily on the Valkeries ... once a noble profession, now is no better than medieval ambulance chasers.)
NicaBreeze - 100% amazing - thank you so much for sharing!
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