Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 16 - Pokeball

I wanna be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.2

I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside

~ Pokemon Theme Song

Helen Budinger is awesome.

She not only dazzles the balloon community with her weekly balloon deliveries, she's creative and crafty but more than that - she is one of the nicest, most supportive people and best balloon friend you could ever have the good fortune to meet.

This balloon uses a Quicklink ball design she has demonstrated a few times in the deliveries Helen has shown on the Facebook forums.  Her versions are more flourishing and the gaps are filled with flowers and critters climbing through it, but with the world going crazy for Pokemon GO, I thought a Pokeball might be a fun use of the technique.  I ran out of white quicklinks (Conrad!!) - so I had to stuff white rounds in clear quicklinks, it worked way better than I imagined.

Thanks Helen!

A wild Bowie appears!
Seriously guys?  ... guys?  Don't make me poke you... man..

Other posts with Helen's designs:

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  1. Bowie looks like he's ready to pounce!!! Thanks for being part of my life, the kind words and the smile!

    1. He was! He wanted it so badly but had no idea what to do as it flew past him. So playful!

  2. This ball that Helen makes is AmAzing!!!! I have seen it person and just love it!! Great job to you both!

  3. So glad that Helen is a huge part of your existence Mason. Love the photo with the new puppy head.

  4. I LOVE Helen. She is so creative and kind. Wish there were more folks in the world like her!
