Sunday, July 17, 2016

July 17 - Pikachu

John Justice-ichu
Cute as a button
Electrostatic discharge
Yellow lightning mouse

~ Pikachu Haiku (Pikaiku?)

I am continuing with the Pokemon theme.

I've never played a single Pokemon game, though my son has been caught by them all.  He used to read and memorize the pokemon stat index at night and know everyone's powers/vulnerabilities -- I thought we had made it past this phase.  It has returned.

Now that he has been playing it for a while, he has developed Pokemon radar and points out groups of people he is convinced are hunting.  He's probably right, I'm swerving to avoid them.

I only know a few Pokemon by name, by everyone knows Pikachu - and many people have been posting their own versions of him recently as well as some tutorials.  I didn't really know which I liked best - so I tried out a few.  Gotta build them all!

...but please ... make the Pokemon STOP.


Clayton James-ichu

Michael Langerman-ichu
Juan Gonzales-ichu

I Pikachu naked!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your efforts, I'm content in my total ignorance and will ignore this!!!! Thanks for the smile.
