Friday, July 1, 2016

July 1 - Green Lantern

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!

~ The Green Lantern Oath

Green Lantern is the next superhero on the Ken Stillman DVD SuperHeroes Team 1.

I was only ever familiar with "basic" Green Lantern as Hal Jordan.  Just a man with a magic ring that could warp reality within some limitations and must be charged every 24 hours by a lantern. I stopped paying attention at the beginning of the Green Lantern Corps, the idea of a infinite universe full of alien superheroes kind of confounded established comic book norms, how can you have an infinity multiverse of infinite universes? Mind=blown.

Green Lantern, more specifically the Green Lantern Corps are some of my youngest son's favorite "superheroes". But having the rainbow assortment of Lanterns bewilders me much the same way rainbow Daleks do.

True story. Green Lantern once used his ring to create a mind controlling mist that affected a villains brain. Rolled like a 98 ... it was crazy. #roxalot

Jord of the Ring

"Greeeeeeen Lanterns is the place to be.
Space travelin' is the life for me."

"You took his ring!??""I'm just going to try something."

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  1. As a witness to this amazing display of rehabilitative power, I vouch for the true story.
