Monday, July 25, 2016

July 25 - Ladybug

A small speckled visitor
Wearing a crimson cape
Brighter than a cherry
Smaller than a grape
A polka-dotted someone
Walking on my wall
A black-hooded lady
In a scarlet shawl.

 ~ Joan Walsh Anglund

I know I've said it before, but Helen Budinger is one of my most favorite people in all of balloon-dom. I would challenge you to choose any day this year, she was there being supportive, and it was she who first challenged and inspired me to share what I thought were my woefully inadequate balloons.

When we met at the Florida Super Jam in 2015, I was feeling nervous about having entertaining things to twist at my one gig, she shared her ladybug design.  Helen couldn't make it to Bling Bling Jam this year - so I saved this post for today, so you're here in our hearts!

I do very little twisting for people or parties, but I know I've made so many ladybugs since then that I've had to re-order these polka dot prints, so there have been at least 100!

Once again these are pictures from a little while ago, and I was experimenting with not having a painted white eye highlight while taking the picture.  It's not right, they stare directly into your soul like that.

A lovliness of ladybugs (source)

Ladybug Ladybug, fly away home!

It's a polka party!

Other posts with Helen's designs:

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  1. Thanks for the kind words and the smile!

  2. Helen truly is an amazing artist, encourager, and friend!! She is the reason I am twisting balloons the way that I am. I will always be forever grateful to her for her time she spent teaching me and being a supporter to tell me, yes, you can do this! Thank you for doing a wonderful job of writing about a fantastic lady!

  3. I just made her Lady Bug the other night. It was a smash hit! Now I gotta learn the leaf...which she also pointed me in the right direction of where to learn it. :)

    I love me some Helen!!!!
