Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19 - Batman

I wear a mask. And that mask, it's not to hide who I am, but to create what I am.

~ Batman Vol 1 #624

Holy dyed and inflated tree sap!

Juan Gonzales published a base for this modular design in the form of a bear earlier this year.  This implementation shows how versatile it is.  With a few small changes and accessories, it makes a great cartoonish Batman.

One of the things I appreciate about Juan's videos is that he is not only very easy to copy and makes all of his twists obvious, but he only occasionally will he interrupt to talk about something important.  I stopped twisting each time he did and listened.  Unlike most videos where someone talks the entire time and I'm missing half of what they say because I'm noisily squeaking balloons.

I tried using a different technique to get a nice flat bat symbol on the Adam West style costume, which I like it a lot - but when I tried the same technique using a bigger object on Pigman to match the snout shape, I snapped the balloon back so hard into my knuckle I thought I had broken it for a moment.  That's why he has a nice soft snout for his emblem.  Owwwwww.

Banana, Banana, Banana, Banana, Batman?
Pigman has ways of making you squeal!

"Holy Priceless Collection of Etruscan Snoods!"  (yes it's real! link)

Other posts with Juan's designs:

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  1. Love the balloons and the link!!! I always learn something as well as enjoy the balloons. Thanks for the smile!
