Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14 - Juan's Monkey

“Just because you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.”
~ George Carlin

Yes, I'm joining the bandwagon - it's a good bandwagon!

This is a design from Juan Gonzales's Sonic collection. It's not a new design per-se, but it's the new sexy this week after a few great images were posted in the forums.

Once again Juan makes a simple-enough-for-linework but great looking piece. This isn't too far from the basic chubby-belly design, it's really quick to make, with corners you could cut as well if you were rushed. I hadn't built the others before attempting the monkey and was able to easily follow along. It was a little tough to see the artwork given the glare of the lights, but there are a whole lot of online examples now as people are loving this design.

With a chubby belly like this I couldn't resist adding a belly button.
Your Boss

Print work is sometimes hard to come by ... in 3, 2, ...


Other posts with Juan's designs:

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  1. When I passed these out around town yesterday I could still hear oooohs and awwwws as I left! Thanks for the smile!

    1. Love it! I was a little rushed and only built this one for the office, but they're so quick and squish-able and awesome that I need to make a few more for my "Take Me!" cards at least!
