Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6 - Dory

Just keep swimming ..
Just keep swimming ..
~ Dory Finding Harpo Nemo

I loved Finding Nemo, it released when my oldest was only 3 and counts as one of the BIG Disney movies in their lives and mine. What better story could there be than a dad who would take on the ocean and not one but THREE sharks to save his son, Marlin is me.

Finding Dory should release in just under 2 weeks - I've never built a Dory, I thought this would be a good time to learn!

Dan Staples shared this with us on YouTube, easily built and instantly recognizable - just a couple balloons and some scraps.  I was able to build the second from memory without a second watch.

Clownfish are one of the few salt water fish successfully bred in captivity, so when Nemo released in 2003 and everyone rushed to build an aquarium, the world ecology wasn't impacted the way it could be by this movie.  Blue Tangs must be caught in the wild, it is a beautiful fish, for many of them these are their final days of freedom.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, ...

Dory's Classmates

"Le Cochon Violet"? -- but what does it mean?

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