Monday, July 11, 2016

July 11 - Phileas' Face

I've got two eyes, So I can see
I've got two ears to listen to what you say to me
I've got a mouth, So I can speak
I've got a cheek right here
And here I've got another cheek

I've got a nose, So I can smell
I've got a chin
But what a chin does I just can't tell

I've got eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheeks, and chin
Each in its place
And they're all part of one fine face

~ Ernie (and Elmo) One Fine Face (link)

Phileas Flash (or Rupert Appleyard) is a tough person to describe briefly, but since this is the first time I've used one of his designs here I'll try anyways ....   He has an aggressively funny personality, the guy you could count on to crack a fart joke at the exact right time.  Watching his video tutorials is like trying to hold a conversation with the Mad Hatter the way he sidetracks himself, but that all works to great effect as it gives you time to keep up with him.

Phileas has made some of the most impressive balloon sculptures I've ever seen, not the technical precision and realistic details of some creations, but moreso modern art masterpieces.  Some of my favorites include Weeping Angels, a Game of Thrones scene, the motorized mad-scientist assistant to Groo (Despicable Me) and a rendering of a DaVinci painting.  He travels the world to share his techniques, and recently championed a fund raising project "Frequent Flyers" for an organization that provides support to children victimized by war.  He's a good man.

I got The Face of Things To Come DVD (and it's sequel) shortly after watching Phileas on a webinar.  The base structure assembles quickly, and I like how poseable it is (for being a face).  I enjoy DVDs like this where you are given the basic idea and left to go and play, though ideally I would have preferred a few more built examples.

I have a mix of colors in the dark skinned face, mocha 160 and 350 but caramel 260.  In normal circumstances that would drive me to distraction - but I really like it here, looks like 5 o'clock shadow scruff around his chin.

... and I'm not sure what I was thinking when setting up the purple face.  It's freaking me out.

This certainly blew up in my face...

 My my my porker face,
my my porker face.

I'm would not quit while I was ahead ... 


  1. I want to add my kudos to the person and artist, Phileas Flash. You did the master proud on this one. Thanks for the smiles!

  2. My porker face! lol!

    1. Hehe - as I built it "why?" ... as I took the picture "why?" ... as I put it in the post "why?" ... when I thought of the caption "YES! That's why!" Thank goodness I didn't listen to my earlier selves!
