Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15 - Monkey

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

These monkey's were designed by Lily Tan - taken from Issue #79 of Balloon Magic magazine.  That issue is chock full of goodies!   I really like the look of this monkey, and you can make the arms long enough to wrap around someone or something for added cuteness.  In fact, you probably do want to do that - the way the tail attaches at the bottom makes it unable to stand on it's own.

The body style is similar to some bear bodies I've seen - with the bubbles running down and up the sides to form appendages.  So knowing that, as I look at it - I see 6 limbs total, arms hanging to the side and reaching up.  Can't unsee. :)


A monkey on your back -- literally!

Other posts with Lily's designs:

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  1. More great balloons!!! Catch up with you after Twist and Shout. Andrea Noel and Lisa McIntire spent the night here last night. They are driving down. Fun evening!!!

    1. I've been jealous looking at all those pictures! I even caught you on Periscope showing the tac weave. <3 Hope you had/have a blast!!
