Monday, February 8, 2016

February 8 - Oscar the Grouch

"Oh, I LOVE TRASH!Anything dirty or dingy or dusty!Anything ragged or rotten or rusty!Yes, I LOVE TRASH!!! "  -- Oscar the Grouch
Daniel Ravia, also known as FuDD, hosted the Steve Klein webinar at last night and taught a few quick figures.  I first encountered FuDD about a year ago in a previous webinar, so I knew I was in for a treat.

FuDD has an enviable casual approach to twisting.  As an example, he doesn't tell you how much to fill things - he just adds balloons if he needs to.  While that confounds my origami-brain, it also seems to encourage additional artistic freedom - you aren't limited to "the 3 balloons you were supposed to use", you are creating a form, however it takes with however many balloons you need.

I built Oscar a couple times, in the demo the arms stick up out of the garbage can, and I wanted to try and elevate his torso so he could gesture with the arms a little better.  I also tried adding some additional details to the garbage can, but those aren't visible with the sign.

In my next attempt I'll try and get the bulk of the eyebrows more in the center so they angle in angrily.

"You stink! .. that's why I like you."

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