Sunday, March 6, 2016

March 6 - Mermaids

"It's a dinglehopper.  Humans use these little babies to straighten their hair out.  See?  Just a little twirl here and a yank there and voila.  You've got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over."  - Scuttle

This mermaid was published in Balloon Magic magazine #80.  It was designed by Rob Balchunas to sit on a headband, I really like how he has you tie the tail through into the flower to get it to sit properly.

Probably the biggest take away from doing this a few times was realizing how small you really need to make the bubble that you split for her bathing suit.  It's easy to accidentally(?) make them too big.  Also, you don't want to make the top fit petals too big, both of the blondes look a little "hippy".

I tried to make seashells, ended up D-shells...

You said she was Finnish!

Other posts with Rob's designs:

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  1. Hahaha...D Shells! This is a really cute design!

  2. Mazel Tov on winning the balloon contest!

    1. Thanks, I did try hard - was nice to be recognized, but just fun to compete. :)
