Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 5 - Eric's Frogs

"Frog said, 'I wrote
 'Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend.
   Your best friend, Frog. ' "

"Oh," said Toad,
"that makes a very good letter."
Then Frog and Toad went out
onto the front porch
to wait for the mail.
They sat there
feeling happy together."

Yesterday I won the Bling Bling Jam contest.  This is the very first design from the new batch of PDFs that were the prize.  Eric Weinstein's PDF #5 is filled with line work quick designs and wearables.  I really don't make a lot of wearables, so I'm not sure how deep I'll get into this one (until I need to) - plus I'm excited to get to some of the other designs!

I've seen a number of people post pictures of this frog, so I thought I would have a quick go at it. Cute and easy - and easily built upon if you have time.  The lilypad and cattails are from Twistina's frog design from Balloon magic magazine, which (perhaps spoiler alert) I was working on before I won these PDFs.

Time is fun when you're having flies!

I'm a ham-phibian - get it?

Other posts with Eric's designs:

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  1. Love the frog and the lily pad with cattails is great. it :)

    1. I like how the lilypad frog turned out best also - I was experimenting with a backdrop cloth, but all I have are dark colors at the moment. I like the look a lot!

  2. Me too! Are you taking photos and keeping a journal of all of your creations?

  3. Lol :) ... Yes. Yes I am. I just need to come up with a jazzy name so I can post them online ��

    1. Your sarcasm runs deep young one

  4. Congrats again on your win and I LOVE the frog scene!!!!!
