Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27 - Redneck Face

Just'a good ol' boys
Never meanin' no harm.
Beats all you never saw
Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born

~ Theme From The Dukes Of Hazzard
   (Good Ol' Boys)

This is the second design in Eric Weinstein's Live Balloons Volume 8 PDF: Faces (link) - a Redneck.

The amount of debris that accumulates around my workspace when working with distortion is amazing. So many bits and pieces of balloons, so many things (intentionally) popped and reversed, so many bags of larger balloons go into making smaller pieces when you are stuffing and distoring these faces.

All of it is worth it though, this PDF is a great education on the art of distortion. Eric's earlier PDFs were an excellent introduction, but there was really only one part of each of them that used the technique (like the beak for the birds). This is the school of hard knocks because almost every bit of these is double stuffed, if just to keep colors consistent throughout the design.  This design, though similar to Jack - provides a more shaped face and does a few things different if not better.

I made a mistake in my initial build making the eyes out of smaller balloons.  Despite the instructions being clear and there being plenty of pictures, it's easy to lose your place when following through pages of instructions (Balloon PDFs have been accurately described as similar to reading a stereo manual.). This one used a different technique for the eyes as well and they didn't distract me so much this time.

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