Monday, December 26, 2016

December 26 - Jack's Face

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the TV
Stare like a zombie

~ Tool Vicarious

It's been a little while since I've worked my way through these Eric Weinstein PDFs, and I'll admit that this one on facial distortion had me a little intimidated for a while there.

This is the first face in his Live Balloons Volume 8 PDF: Faces available on his website (link).

Eric hasn't made a PDF in a while, preferring nowdays to make videos - but his PDFs are full of fantastic information.   These are complicated techniques to learn from without seeing someone demonstrate, but Eric does provide a lot of picture demonstrations and having worked through his earlier distortion techniques from his other PDFs I found following along very easily.

This is the first type of face I've done like this - and though the instructions supply a way to create balloon eyeballs, I think it creates too much depth.  In my second attempt I went ahead and drew them, but if I were to make another - I think they would look great with button eyes.

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