Saturday, December 10, 2016

December 10 - Olaf

Elsa: Olaf, you're melting!
Olaf: Some people are just worth melting for…

~ Frozen

Dennis Scott taught this Olaf design at the first balloon convention I attended, Florida Super Jam in 2015.  Dennis was sponsored by Qualatex and was probably my favorite teacher at the event - he was well organized with bags of balloons for his classes, he was easy to follow and yet pushed (me at least) to build something bigger and better that I thought I could.   I wasn't able to take notes at the same time so thankfully he offered his class notes (discounted for attendees) at a later date (link).

For someone who only does this as a hobby, you can tell that I love the design by having built it 15+ times.  Frozen is still a hit with young kids and this is such a fun/huggable/non-princess design that everyone seems to love.

Mmmppfhh .. okay, I'm warm - I'm warm!

Other posts with Dennis's designs:

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