Sunday, May 28, 2017

May 28 - Cupid

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

~ William Shakespeare

Another good use for geos, clouds.

This Cupid is one of the designs in Eric Weinstein's PDF Live Balloons Vol. 4 (link).  I've made this previously when I entered the Bling Bling Valentine contest last year.

This design speaks to something that Andrew Weaver brought to mind in a recent forum post, and that is "do you ever go back and binge watch old tutorials".  I enjoy and encourage it, there are things you probably miss if you are twisting while watching/reading.  When I first built this, I didn't notice he purposefully gave one arm a bend and kept the other straight to allow for bow usage.

Eric has actually been on fire recently with his new YouTube channel (link).  He has challenged himself to make 25 new designs in 25 days.  They are more of a quick linework style balloon, but Eric is an exceptional artist, and many of these designs are full of creativity - worthy of taking a look if you haven't yet.

Other designs by Eric:

Other geo designs:

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