Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May 31 - Geo Pig

Little Geo is a friend of mine
We get some money and we buy a cheap wine
Sit on the corner and have a holiday
Hide the bottle when the cop goes by

~ Billy Joel Half a Mile Away

This one is a bit bizarre.  Even though geos are a balloon type and not truly a concept, I still wanted to try a purple pig version as well.  The early results were a bit freaky, like goofy pop art as I used spare balloons in my first attempts.  I figured I might as well include them as part of the process.

The problem with building something in lilac geo is that geos are exclusively Qualatex and I really prefer Betallatex lilac.  The difference in colors is painfully obvious.  It was when I was building the dark purple version that it occurred to make a majority of him out of geos - so I then made the lilac version.  It's eleven total - I thought about making his legs and arms out of puff-inflated stacked geos, but I'm just not that crazy.

This is the last geo based design I'm going to explore for now, I didn't really have a plan when I started, but it's already the end of the month so I'm leaving a few more unmade.    I almost made it through those bonus bags of older geos, I played (and popped) a lot looking at different ways to distort or twist a different shape, but really they are an interesting and durable form as is.  They are a perfect base to mount a design on, they make things easy to attach to a headband or a candy cup, they can be weighted for table decorations, and they are probably the easiest flower or cake you could make.

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