Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Love is the only thing that can save this poor creature, and I am going to convince him that he is loved even at the cost of my own life. No matter what you hear in there, no matter how cruelly I beg you, no matter how terribly I may scream, do not open this door or you will undo everything I have worked for. Do you understand? Do not open this door.
~ Young Frankenstein (1974)
~ Young Frankenstein (1974)
I love that movie ...
We are nearing the end of our exploration with this form and I didn't mean to turn this into a pre-Halloween monster cutie session, but this was the other one that occurred when I was wondering what I could build besides princesses with this Shana Brenion cutie doll form.
This one is pretty much a blend of the Poppy troll for hairstyle and a normal princess. I had thought to go for a black and white image, but the addition of a black rose to add some color adds a neat effect - especially on the black and white background.
Other Cutie Dolls:
- April 30 - Grief
- October 4 - Graceful Expressions 2017
- May 14 - Angel & Devil Cuties
- May 13 - Bride of Frankenstein Cutie
- May 12 - Medusa
- May 11 - Poppy
- May 10 - Miss Piggy
- May 9 - Disgust
- May 8 - Poodle Skirt Girls
- May 7 - Frozen Cuties
- May 6 - Princess Jasmine
- May 5 - Cinco de Mayo
- May 4 - Queen Amidala
- May 3 - Merida Cutie
- May 2 - Rapunzel Cutie
- October 4 - Graceful Expressions
- July 27 - Princess Aurora
- July 23 - Cinderella
- April 21 - Snow White
- April 20 - Princess Belle
- February 25 - Briar Rose
Show all
Thanks for the smiles!