Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 7 - Frozen Cuties

You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price, I know

~ Foreigner Cold as Ice

These are a couple more cutie dolls that I never got around to building from Shana Brenion's Cutie Dolls instructions (link).

Once again, having boys probably saved me from the worst of this, they had no interest so we didn't see this in the theater.  I do distinctly remember the look my wife gave me when she came downstairs at 11pm to ask me what I was watching and I explained that I couldn't stop ...

I lacked some specific colors called out for Elsa, but I think it's more that she has a cape, she is the one white haired princess.

I'm trying to get a better shape to the eyes, most of my "princess" eyes end up too flat - like the Anna balloon.  I was able to get Elsa's eyes to have a little more personality.

Other Cutie Dolls:

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