Friday, May 26, 2017

May 26 - Drag Racer

Jerry was a race car driver
22 years old
Had one too many cold beers one night
And wrapped himself around a telephone pole.

~ Primus Jerry Was a Race Car Driver

I knew I wouldn't be able to resist building this dragster when I saw it in Pascal Grooten's collection.

Once again he creates a work of art.  Similar to the spaceship yesterday, the foundation is a geo, and the basics of the form are fairly simple - but there are judy so many special techniques that Pascal uses to give interesting texture to an image, and he does so with confidence.

Now that I've spent the time trying to copy this, I can appreciate the fine detail Pascal puts into things. I'm still learning by experimenting, so it's taking a lot of iterations, and although I could get "something" that looks close, the more I can try and copy what he did, the more techniques I can have in my bag of tricks.  It took a good amount of play to get that engine block the way I wanted it, and don't get me started on those engine exhaust pipes - Pascal must have spent a good amount of time himself getting such fine details so perfectly aligned.

Other Pascal designs:

Other geo designs:

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