Some things start out big, and some things start out small, very small. But sometimes the smallest thing can make the biggest changes of all.
~ Dinosaur (2000) opening lines
~ Dinosaur (2000) opening lines
Hervé Guyonnet is a newer balloon artist friend of mine from France. I first met him in a Facebook group at the start of this year, he is on a 365-day balloon challenge.
His designs show off not only his skill as a balloon artist, but his creativity. As an example, his balloons for the challenge today was the Hindenberg crashing - before that was Alf I believe. A month ago he started posting tutorials on his YouTube channel. This dinosaur is currently the most recent (link) and uses a geo for the face, the perfect opportunity to try out one of his models!
Jeffrey Hayes was playing with this design and shared his version of a cow. It's getting close to the end of this geo run, so I thought to include both designs in this one post.
Thanks guys!
Other posts specifying geos:
- March 9 - Stoney the Emoticon
- May 31 - Geo Pig
- May 30 - Dinosaur
- May 29 - Geo Turtle
- May 28 - Cupid
- May 27 - Pole Dancer
- May 26 - Drag Racer
- May 25 - Spaceships
- May 24 - Geo Squid
- May 23 - Geo Bronto
- May 22 - Geo Troll
- May 21 - Geo Snail
- May 20 - Geo Babies
- May 18 - Geo Dino
- May 17 - Blasted Frogs
- June 10 - Geo Hippo
- May 17 - Geo Crab
- May 2 - Tank
- April 28 - Ice Cream
- April 22 - Geo Turtle
- April 7 - Geo Pig
- April 6 - Geo Bear
- April 4 - Gorilla
- April 2 - Geo Butterfly
- March 30 - Goat
Show all
Thanks for the smiles!