Friday, May 19, 2017

May 19 - Chris Cornell

When the forest burns along the road
Like God's eyes in my headlights
When the dogs are looking for their bones
And it's raining ice picks on your steel shore

I'm gonna break I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run

~ Soundgarden Rusty Cage

R.I.P. Chris Cornell (July 20, 1964 – May 17, 2017)

I first discovered Soundgarden in college when grunge metal was a new thing, Badmotorfinger was one of the tapes I bought with my Columbia Tape & Record club subscription if anyone remembers that (11 for a penny).

Today I watched the video of his last performance, the night before he passed, perhaps trying to find some clue or look or something that would say it was his last day.  Nothing.  He was soulful, heartfelt - he was a superstar.

Thank you for all you shared with us in your music.  You had one of the most impassioned rock voices, such an incredible singer and one of the architects in the evolution of grunge rock, the world is much poorer for your leaving.  \m/

This balloon is derivative of Scott Lanham's beefcake form, it was a good lesson in proportion - his head is already a bit small for the body style.  I had built the guitar first and it was over-sized so it made his head look super tiny in comparison.  I ended up making the smaller acoustic guitar to match a little better - which is effectively Dylan Gelinas's ukulele with only a minor change..

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