Monday, February 20, 2017

February 20 - T-800

John Connor gave me a picture of you once. I didn't know why at the time. It's very old. Torn, faded. You were young, like you are now. You seemed just a little sad. I used to always wonder what you were thinking at that moment. I memorized every line, every curve. I came across time for you, Sarah. I love you. I always have.

~ Kyle Reese The Terminator

Here is another attempt at playing with Scott Lanham's superhero form (I'd really love to refer to these by a name ... Scott's Heroes? Muscle men? Latex Warriors? Beefcakes?)

This time I tried making a Terminator T-800 model. I made the forearms and calves out of smaller balloons to make it seem more endoskeletal, but it ended up looking a bit awkward so I went with the basic body shape.

The skull head took a few tries on practice balloons, once I thought I had it in a decent state I tried recreating it on the actual balloon and fumblefingered it. After taking a few pictures, I replaced the head with the practice version (upper right).

Other posts with the Lanham super-design:

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1 comment:

  1. I need to work on one of those to take to the gym! Thanks for the smiles!
