Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10 - Party Hats

“Some hats can only be worn if you're willing to be jaunty, to set them at an angle and to walk beneath them with a spring in your stride as if you're only a step away from dancing. They demand a lot of you.”
~ Neil Gaiman Anansi Boys

I mentioned yesterday that I got a last minute request for balloons at my youngest sons birthday party - we decided on party hats.

I should say thankfully we decided on party hats.  These do not take much time to put together at all, and they are as abstract/pure form creative play with balloons as you can get.

This idea and a few of these designs are from Addi Somekh's website and documents. As great as some of them turned out, I also had some stinkers - since the guests were occupied for most of the hour jumping on trampolines, I had plenty of time to make extras.

What I didn't have time for was doing anything too special with Purple today ...

Other posts with Addi's designs:

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  1. That's a win, win. Fun for you and fun for them. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I always freeze up and don't know where to begin when I'm suppose to make anything abstract. More so if I'm trying to be quick. These are great!

    1. Thanks! But I feel the same way myself (and we are our own worst critics) - many of these are derivative of things Addi have shown in his 'Balloon Hat Kit' or on his website

      Also, don't be tricked into thinking they're all great - I only post my favorite pictures. Behind every good one are 2 or more terrible ones that I wouldn't dare show! ;)
