For her, I could be a HERO!
~ The Maxx
~ The Maxx
When I began collecting comics for the second time as an early twenty-something, I stumbled across The Maxx issue #1. Image was a newer company at the time, pushing the bounds of what I knew to be traditional comics. It was twisted and dark, I was instantly hooked and found myself re-reading earlier issues when the latest came out (which IIRC was fairly slow).
Pencilled by Sam Keith and written in collaboration with Alan Moore, you might thing of it as somewhat of a grown-ups Calvin and Hobbes. It is the story of a vagrant who waffles between this reality and "The Outback", where he is a powerful beast and protector of his Jungle Queen. In this reality the Jungle Queen is Julie, his social worker. She is unaware of the Outback and is pursued by the evil Mr. Gone, whom Maxx battles in both the Outback and reality to protect her.
I built Maxx similar to Hulk, using Scott Lanham's beefcake superhero form - but in most images he's hunched over so I had to come up with a way to get him to bend down. This is somewhat of the Achilles Heel of the design, especially the more musclebound ones is they are not very poseable.
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WOW! AWESOME, thanks for sharing