Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18 - Geo Dino

Dr. Rick Marshall: Field rations are running dangerously low. Thusly, I've made the determination that, if need be, if faced with starvation, we will cook and eat Chaka. I've been thinking about this a lot, actually. If Chaka meat were the secret ingredient on Iron Chef, I'm sure Bobby Flay would probably serve it with roasted red peppers and a dash of cumin and a braised polenta. It wouldn't be an easy thing to do, but if you slow roast the little guy, I'm sure that Chaka meat would just fall right off the bone.

~ Land of the Lost (2009)

It's really nice having all of these extras outside my kit - I am really getting a chance to play without feeling like I'm wasting or having to re-order and re-stock.

The next bit of geo play involves this dinosaur David Brenion made, similar to the upper right image.  He released a video a few days after watching the Balloon Blast Show with the frog from the previous post using the idea. (link)

I've always thought this form would turn into an excellent dragon, so I added some wings and had him breath flames.  Next I added some teeth, they ended up giving somewhat of a goofy smile, so that one became my baby Slimer.

Finally I had one more that was the basic dino form, but I didn't want to give him a flower, so I made him fabulous.  He's my favorite of the bunch - a prehistoric Conrad.

Other posts with David's designs:

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