Dr. Rick Marshall: Field rations are running dangerously low. Thusly, I've made the determination that, if need be, if faced with starvation, we will cook and eat Chaka. I've been thinking about this a lot, actually. If Chaka meat were the secret ingredient on Iron Chef, I'm sure Bobby Flay would probably serve it with roasted red peppers and a dash of cumin and a braised polenta. It wouldn't be an easy thing to do, but if you slow roast the little guy, I'm sure that Chaka meat would just fall right off the bone.
~ Land of the Lost (2009)
~ Land of the Lost (2009)
It's really nice having all of these extras outside my kit - I am really getting a chance to play without feeling like I'm wasting or having to re-order and re-stock.
The next bit of geo play involves this dinosaur David Brenion made, similar to the upper right image. He released a video a few days after watching the Balloon Blast Show with the frog from the previous post using the idea. (link)

Finally I had one more that was the basic dino form, but I didn't want to give him a flower, so I made him fabulous. He's my favorite of the bunch - a prehistoric Conrad.
Other posts with David's designs:
- March 6 - Mildly Haunted House
- March 5 - Cider and Mino
- March 4 - Whales
- February 14 - Valentine's Day
- January 23 - Loopy Pigz
- January 22 - Loopy Warner Broz
- January 19 - Loopy Duckz
- January 18 - Loopy Dogz
- January 17 - Loopy Mouze
- January 16 - Loopy Dragonz
- January 15 - Loopy Dinoz
- January 14 - Loopy Goatz
- January 13 - Loopy Birdz
- January 10 - Loopy Opozzum
- January 9 - Loopy Dogz
- January 8 - Loopy Beaverz
- January 7 - Loopy Bearz
- January 6 - Loopy Headz
- September 14 - Two Faced Bob the Tomato
- September 13 - Two Faced Zombie
- September 12 - Two Faced Pigs
- September 11 - Pops
- September 10 - Two Faced Minion
- September 9 - Two Faced Gorilla
- September 8 - Two Faced Donald
Show all
Awesome start to my day, thanks for the smiles!