Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 27 - Pole Dancer

She can dance a Cajun rhythm
Jump like a Willys in four wheel drive
She's a summer love in the spring, fall and winter
She can make happy any man alive

Sugar magnolia
Ringin' that blue bell
Caught up in sunlight
Come on out singing
I'll walk you in the sunshine
Come on honey, come along with me

~ Grateful Dead Sugar Magnolia

I always exercise better in a class, the comradarie and the accountability really help me keep it going.  I joined a gym last October, but my wife has been going to the same pilates course for over six years.  The people who run her Pilates studio also run the Pole Play Fitness center and were having an open house celebration, so I made this dancer for the event.

The dancer is actually derivative of the new girl video (link) released by Tatyana DjeTa Lyashko.  This is the first of Tatyana's video instructions, and it's well produced.  Her PDFs are fantastic, but it's nice when you're learning distortion techniques to have that additional visual aid.

I always learn a lot from Tatyana's instructions, and the way she creates the arms and legs is fantastic and adaptable - but the way she weaves the top is probably the big win for me here.  I won't spoil it here but she does something simple in hindsight but so helpful that I know all my box weaves will benefit from it.

This also shows probably the main thing I've used geo's for in the past, as a base.  It gives a perfect anchor point to tie anything to the center, and you can easily weight them.

Other designs by Tatyana:

Other geo designs:

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