Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6 - Geo Bear

I do not think the measure of a civilization 
is how tall its buildings of concrete are, 
But rather how well its people have learned to relate 
to their environment and fellow man. 
 ~ Sun Bear of the Chippewa Tribe 

The third entry from Matt Falloon's Flower Buds DVD is this bear.  This is actually the "proper use" of his flower bud base, I attempted to use it in one of the bunnies the week before Easter.

Now that I have made a few of these Flower Buds, they are quite quick and easy to make.  Most of the time was spent on the face artwork.  While demonstrating some color combinations, Matt shows three different styles of eyes and I wanted to try each.

This is bear, but really this is the basic flower-bud structure from which you could to transform about build any (stocky) animal body.

If you wear shoes, are they still bare feet?

Other posts with Matt's designs:

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Matt's look amazing. I need lots more practice - all I see are squiggly lines and mistakes. :)

  2. So cute and I totally agree with Sun Bear
