Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 3 - Bopup Snowman

Part of the kick of making people laugh was doing something different. We were a rare breed - spotting one of us was like pinning a space alien, or abdominal snowman. There were maybe a hundred stand-ups in the whole country when I was doing it.

~ Lenny Bruce

Really this is a combination of the designs of two people, Pippity Pop and Matt Falloon.

Pippity has the form of the snowman on her recent "Loving Line Work" tutorial, and the main form works well with a balloon concept that Matt Falloon has been sharing recently at conventions and on tour - a bopup. He has allowed me to show off some designs because the concept is safe and hidden inside.

A "Bopup" is a balloon that you could toss around like a ball and will wobble and yet always come back on their bottoms or feet. If you're from my generation you might know the jingle "Weebles wobble but they wont fall down!", this is the balloon version of a Weeble. It's a balloon toy.

Other balloon designs by Pippity-Pop:

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Other balloon designs by Matt Falloon:

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