Thursday, December 14, 2017

December 14 - Snow Miser

I'm Mr. White Christmas
I'm Mr. Cool.
I'm Mr. Icicle
I'm Mr. 10 below
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch!
I'm too much

~ The Year Without a Santa Claus (1974)

Oh man this is being published late!

The story behind this one ...  Last year I copied John Justice's Mr. Heat Miser (link), and he challenged me to Mr. Snow Miser, posting his version.  His is truly "John Justice"d - technical precision, the inkwork is amazing and inspiring and he got a good face distortion, even having some icicles dripping from the nose.

Well it took a year for me to answer the challenge with my version.  I went for a more woven face and struggled with a number of different configurations for the jaw before settings on what is here.

Other balloon designs by and inspired by John Justice:

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