Sunday, December 24, 2017

December 24 - Fart Gun

~ Despicable Me (2010)

Counting down the last couple days of Trippmas!  For the 10th let me present this Fart Gun.

Looking at the video you can tell that the version of the fart gun in the movie is different than the "minion" version, but that one is definitely my favorite.  Scott made some initial versions but then  Christopher Lyle rebuilt applying his infectious flair and big bold inkwork to make it a minion.  It is a brilliant ploy in encouraging the viewer to understand exactly what it is.

I'm getting sidetracked by the actual coolness of the design though, what makes this "Tripp" is that it incorporates fun out-of-the-restaurant ideas and additions, and much like bubble-gum ice cream, you're left with something after you're done with the initial play and the balloon is gone.  Adding something like this is adding that new spice that ends up  making the meal something new and different and you maybe might plan an entire meal around next time.

Tosh came and photobombed when I was trying to take some pictures, and my boys were gracious enough to pose for the action shot.

Other balloon designs by and inspired by Scott Tripp:

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1 comment:

  1. Fun for the whole family. Good balloons, great pictures!
