Friday, August 25, 2017

August 25 - Baby Picos

A baby will make
Love stronger
Days shorter
Nights longer
Bankroll smaller
Home happier
Clothes shabbier
the past forgotten
and the future
worth living for.

Here is the cold splash of reality.  As nice as the simple face is on these prints, it really is just a simple face - the real value added is the launching of the idea space.  The thrifty among us will realize that a bag of these prints is $12, while the same sized bag of blush or mocha rounds is less than half that.

Rachel Ripkin posted an extreme downsizing of the baby though and I wanted to try it out as well.

I made three, they got progressively smaller -- the first two are the basic form downsized, the last uses Matt Falloon's Pico techniques to get super tiny.

Other babyface designs:

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1 comment:

  1. For as small as they are they got my day off to a big start!
