Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20 - Pico Giraffe

All you do is to look
At a page in this book
Because that's where we always will be.
No book ever ends
When it's full of your friends
The Giraffe and the Pelly and me.

~ Roald Dahl The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me

April the Giraffe still hasn't had her baby at the time of this blog post (link to live-cam), and I thought it would be interesting to try and make something notoriously so big - so small.

Things came together quite easily, a testament to how well Matt Falloon's Pico designs work (link).  I first made the orange and then the yellow to try and get the shape of his head a bit better.  I didn't change much from that (though I did try to make one even smaller...)

It occurs to me that I don't have anything to give perspective on how big this is.  To give myself some sanity while posing them for pictures, so it wouldn't fall over - I tucked a penny between the back legs -- I would say it's about 5 pennies high and 1.5 pennies wide.

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